US Congressman Visits ISACA for CMMI Update, AI Policy Discussion

Author: ISACA
Date Published: 5 February 2024

US Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi recently visited ISACA’s Schaumburg office, joining ISACA leaders, members and other officials for an update on CMMI and a public policy discussion related to artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and the technology workforce.

Rep. Krishnamoorthi, who represents Illinois’ 8th District (the part of suburban Chicago that includes Schaumburg), lauded ISACA’s role in improving cybersecurity preparedness and training professionals to excel amid a complex threat landscape, saying ISACA “allows more people to gain the knowledge and the experience and the skills necessary to be cybersecurity professionals.”

“Thank you for allowing me to highlight your good work,” he said during the January visit.

Before Rep. Krishnamoorthi spoke, ISACA Chief Membership Officer Julia Kanouse provided context on workforce shortages impacting the digital trust professions, and CEO Erik Prusch cited data from ISACA’s recent generative AI research, noting that, despite the rapid acceleration of AI adoption, the majority of respondents indicate their organizations do not offer AI training to employees.

“This is why it’s so essential for an organization like ours to educate and equip digital trust professionals with the knowledge and skills that will help their companies stay competitive and keep pace,” Prusch said.

ISACA Chief Operating Officer Simona Rollinson updated Rep. Krishnamoorthi and others in attendance – including Illinois State Rep. Jenn Ladisch Douglass, members of the ISACA Chicago Chapter and a representative from City Colleges of Chicago – on recent developments with CMMI. CMMI V3.0 covers security, safety, data management, people management, and managing virtual workforce best practices as CMMI continues its evolution to build capability and drive enterprise performance.

The event included a question-and-answer period with attendees that focused heavily on AI transparency and policy implications. Rep. Krishnamoorthi noted that the extent of “safe harbor” social media companies have had in recent years, leading to rampant misuse of customer data and other societal harms, shows that the public and private sectors must be more vigilant when it comes to devising AI safeguards.

“We can’t repeat with AI what we did with social media,” Rep. Krishnamoorthi said.

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