Fighting Risk to Find Resilience

Author: ISACA
Date Published: 12 May 2021

Digital transformation can add value to an organization and position it to become—and stay—resilient. But to accomplish this, “you have to have some way of measuring both your maturity today and where you are in the digital transformation journey,” ServiceNow’s Risk Resilience Specialist Brandon Reese says in the “Pursuing Risk Resilience” episode of the ISACA® Podcast. “That will help you determine the steps you can take to get there.”

According to Reese, implementing policies, putting controls in place and assigning risk factors are some best practices organizations can adopt to better manage their risk. Part of that is “engaging the front line,” as Reese puts it. “Without employee engagement, you can’t get a complete view of risk and you also don’t identify emerging risks as quickly,” Reese says. In this episode of the podcast, Reese also explores how enterprises can harness the potential of risk monitoring, cross-functional workflows and risk awareness to navigate the path to resilience.

To learn more about how to successfully manage risk and achieve resilience, listen to “Pursuing Risk Resilience” on the ISACA® website or stream it on Apple Podcasts, Podbean, Spotify or Stitcher.

This podcast is based on ServiceNow’s March 2021 webinar, “Navigating the Path to Resilience.” To view the on-demand webinar and learn more about risk resilience, visit the Future of Data Protection, Privacy and IT Risk Management page of the ISACA website.