Building an Effective Data Privacy Communication Plan Using 3 Design Principles

Author: Mostafa Elghazaly, CISA, CISM, CGEIT, CRISC, CDPSE
Date Published: 4 January 2021

An effective data privacy communication plan will increase awareness of data privacy requirements and help establish a clear set of steps to execute when a breach occurs. There are 3 reasons why an effective privacy communication plan is critical to the success of any data privacy program:

  1. It enables you to clarify your organization priorities before and after data privacy breaches—A well-defined communication plan will help your teams and stakeholders clearly understand data privacy priorities. The communication plan acts as a data privacy road map. It enables your organization and stakeholders to understand where you are, where you want to be and how to protect your most valuable data assets.
  2. It allows you to focus on your damage-control activities—When a data breach happens (or it is rumored that there has been a breach), it is important to mobilize a communication plan that includes a targeted message for each of the main stakeholders involved. An effective communication plan puts you in the driver’s seat to get ahead and communicate a positive, transparent message, which helps minimize any reputational or monetary loss.
  3. It empowers everyone in your organization to have a stake in your data privacy objectives—When your data privacy objectives are clearly defined and communicated, everyone is involved and executives can better lead the organizations in times of uncertainty. Everyone will have a sense of ownership in the success of the data privacy and protection program.

Customization, targeted and focused communication, and a set of measurable performance indicators help ensure that your communication plan is effective. To achieve this, consider the following 3 principles:

  1. Personalize your communication plan—A one-size-fits-all plan will fail to address the individual behaviors of stakeholders. It will also fail to communicate the key messages stakeholders need and when they need them. Customizing the data privacy messages is key. These messages should be developed with target audience members in mind by considering members’ internal or external roles, skill levels and preferred communication channels.
  2. Communicate often and stress when it matters—Attention spans in today’s world are short, meaning it is imperative to be persistent when communicating privacy data objectives. The key is to communicate often and give specific messages during key events. This will ensure that employees understand their data privacy roles and responsibilities when it matters the most to your business objectives (e.g., launch of new marketing campaigns). This principle reminds stakeholders of the critical role they play in achieving privacy objectives.
  3. Define metrics and celebrate successes—Communicating the success of your plan is crucial to increase team engagement with and support of data privacy objectives. Measuring the plan with tangible metrics builds momentum, which increases stakeholder support.

Employees are your greatest assets—and your main source of privacy breaches. Therefore, it is critical for privacy leaders to empower everyone in their organizations to play a role in accomplishing data privacy objectives. Following the 3 principles highlighted can ensure that you are on the right path to creating an effective privacy communication plan.

Mostafa Elghazaly, CISA, CRISC, CISM, CGEIT, CDPSE, is an experienced management consultant, content writer and the founder of Signify Solution LLC, which provides technology strategy, risk management and portfolio management consulting services. Elghazaly can be reached via email at and on LinkedIn.