Find Talented Professionals and Employers at ISACA Online Career Fair

Author: ISACA
Date Published: 20 March 2019

Finding the right match between employer and employee can be tricky. Whether you are a potential candidate or a potential employer, the ISACA Online Career Fair is for you. ISACA is hosting this member-exclusive online career fair on 3 April from 10AM – 2PM CDT (UTC -5 hours). Employers can preview candidate resumes both leading up to and during the online career fair. During the career fair, they can also reach out to qualified candidates.

Potential candidates can consult a bilingual (English and Spanish) career coach during the event and save 10% on career coaching services. In the past, 1 employer noted walking away with a few prospective candidates and a new hire from the event. The career fair is beneficial for both job seekers and employers alike.

To learn more about the ISACA Online Career Fair, visit the ISACA Online Career Fair website.