ISACA Concludes 50th Anniversary Year With a Look at the Next Decade of Tech

Author: ISACA
Date Published: 11 December 2019

As ISACA’s 50th anniversary year draws to a close, the association looks to the future and explores how to help members navigate tech innovations in the 2020s. As part of this exploration, ISACA conducted the Next Decade of Tech: Envisioning the 2020s research study, which features insights and predictions from more than 5,000 members.

The research found that 59% of respondents are optimistic about the impact new technology will have on their career over the next decade. However, these same respondents are not confident that enterprises are adequately preparing themselves for upcoming tech advancements. Eighty-one percent of respondents also believe that enterprises are not yet adequately investing in the skills employees will need to navigate upcoming shifts in technology, and 70% of respondents think enterprises are underinvesting in the technology needed to retool their organizations for the 2020s.

When asked about his thoughts on the upcoming tech advancements of the 2020s, ISACA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) David Samuelson said, “The pace of technology-driven change will continue to accelerate, so it is more important than ever to be always learning. Both as individuals and in our enterprises, we will need new skills and frameworks to be equipped to navigate the inevitable change ahead. As the next decade quickly approaches, our human potential, combined with these advancing technologies, will ensure an era of positive technology breakthroughs and a future where we all thrive.”

Interested in joining the conversation and contributing your predictions in tech with the ISACA professional community? Share your prediction on social media using #nextdecadeoftech and #isaca50.