New Research Explores Critical Risk Categories and Overall Risk for Organizations Today

Author: ISACA
Date Published: 30 October 2019

The turbulence in today’s risk landscape is unprecedented, and many organizations are wondering how their risk mitigation is faring relative to other enterprises. To examine risk management leaders’ insights on current organizational risk mitigation strategies, ISACA, CMMI Institute and Infosecurity have issued a new joint research report on the state of enterprise risk management. The State of Enterprise Risk Management 2020 report explores:

  • Risk management process maturity
  • Most critical risk categories
  • Top cybersecurity risk mitigation controls
  • Length of response time to implement countermeasures once a new threat or vulnerability is detected

According to the research, 53% of risk specialists say their organization’s overall risk has increased in the past 12 months, and nearly 30% say information security and cybersecurity are the most critical risk categories facing their organizations.

For full findings and insights from risk management leaders, visit the State of Enterprise Risk Management 2020 page of the ISACA website.