Improving How Information Security and Risk Management Work Together

Author: ISACA
Date Published: 16 October 2019

Technology is essential for organizational success, but as technology and innovation evolve, risk grows. The increase in risk makes transparent risk management vital, and regular communication between the IT and risk management functions is required to protect enterprise assets and maximize the value of technological investments. That said, sometimes these functions do not appear to speak the same language, if they communicate at all.

ISACA and the Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS) have set out to bridge this communication barrier by developing a joint report, Bridging the Digital Risk Gap: How Collaboration Between IT and Risk Management Can Enhance Value Creation, which guides the IT and risk management functions on collaborating and communicating more effectively to maintain organizational safety. This report helps risk management and IT professionals speak the same language as they strive to minimize risk associated with data and technology while also creating an overall organizational strategy to maximize technological value. It also stresses transparent, nimble and timely decision-making that is inclusive and representative of enterprise needs, and the importance of clearly defining roles, accountability, and decision-making authority.

To learn more, download this complimentary ISACA white paper from the Bridging the Digital Risk Gap page of the ISACA website.