The Importance of Establishing an Open-Source Ingestion Policy to Mitigate Threats

Author: Surya Prakash, InfoSec Group Manager
Date Published: 30 September 2024
Read Time: 3 minutes

Open-source software (OSS) has revolutionized modern software development, offering cost savings, flexibility and rapid innovation through community collaboration. However, the adoption of OSS also introduces significant security risks. This blog post examines the threats posed by OSS, illustrated by the supply chain attack, and emphasizes the need for a robust open-source ingestion policy.

The Incident: An Overview

Earlier this year,, a widely used JavaScript library, was compromised in a sophisticated supply chain attack. Attackers gained control of the domain associated with and injected malicious scripts into the code, impacting over 100,000 websites. The incident was particularly concerning because the original author of claimed no control over the compromised domain, highlighting vulnerabilities in the management and oversight of OSS infrastructure.

Threats Associated with Open-Source Software

Security vulnerabilities: Open-source projects can harbor undiscovered vulnerabilities. The Heartbleed bug in OpenSSL exposed sensitive data across the internet, demonstrating the widespread impact of such flaws.

Need to address: Regularly perform security audits and vulnerability scans to identify and mitigate risks before they can be exploited.

Malicious code injections: The attack involved attackers inserting backdoors into the codebase, compromising numerous websites and exposing them to data theft or malware.

Need to address: Implement stringent access controls and continuous monitoring of open-source projects. Use integrity checks and cryptographic verification for all downloaded components.

Dependency risks: Modern applications often rely on multiple OSS libraries, creating a network of interdependent software. The Log4Shell vulnerability in the Apache Log4j library showcased how a flaw in one dependency can affect numerous systems globally.

Need to address: Employ tools for dependency management and automated vulnerability scanning to monitor all dependencies and their security statuses.

Lack of timely updates: Some OSS projects lag in releasing patches for known vulnerabilities. Without a formal process, organizations might miss critical updates, leaving systems exposed to attacks.

Need to address: Establish a process for timely monitoring and applying updates. Utilize automated tools to track updates and patches for all OSS components used.

The Need for an Open-Source Ingestion Policy

To address the risks that come with OSS, organizations need to have a thorough open-source intake policy. Here are the key components:

Component evaluation: Before integrating an open-source component, evaluate its security posture by checking the project's activity level, the reputation of its maintainers and its history of security issues.

Need to address: Utilize tools like OpenSSF’s Scorecard to assess the security practices of open-source projects.

License compliance: Ensure that the licenses of open-source components align with your organization’s policies and comply with all legal requirements.

Need to address: Regularly review the licenses and obligations associated with each OSS component to avoid legal pitfalls.

Regular audits and monitoring: Implement continuous monitoring to detect new vulnerabilities. The attack highlights the need for real-time monitoring and immediate response to anomalies.

Need to address: Use tools like Snyk and OWASP Dependency-Check for ongoing security assessments and vulnerability management.

Contributing back: Encourage your teams to contribute back to the open-source projects they rely on, improving their security and quality.

Need to address: Foster a culture of contribution to benefit the broader community and enhance your organization's influence over the projects you depend on.

Education and training: Educate developers on the risks associated with OSS and the importance of adhering to the ingestion policy. Regular training can keep security awareness high.

Need to address: Conduct workshops and training sessions to ensure all team members are aware of best practices and emerging threats in the OSS ecosystem.

By using DevSecOps pipelines, open-source policy controls could be automated and standardized. This would also help to raise awareness and lower the risks for organizations. DevSecOps pipelines enable faster and more frequent security testing, feedback and remediation, ensuring that the OSS components are always up to date and compliant with the policy.

Commit to Best Practices

While open-source software offers numerous benefits, it also introduces significant security risks. Establishing a robust open-source ingestion policy is essential to mitigate these risks. Proactive management, continuous monitoring and a commitment to security best practices will help organizations harness the benefits of OSS while maintaining a strong security posture.

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