A Proactive, Continuous Approach to Automated Compliance

Author: Daniil Karp
Date Published: 16 October 2024
Read Time: 3 minutes

Editor’s note:The following is a sponsored blog post from AuditBoard.

The rapidly changing technology landscape demands a shift in how IT security, compliance and software development are approached. When development, operations and IT teams come together, better outcomes occur because security is then a baked-in goal of development teams.

Designing compliance as a key element of the process leads to a better final product. Automation transforms these fields, paving the way for a future where compliance by design becomes the norm. The approach taken in technology parallels the changing role of the internal audit profession, which is increasingly focused on proactive risk assessment and continuous improvement.

The Rise of Automation

For IT compliance professionals, the rise of automation presents a unique opportunity. They are eager to automate repetitive tasks, especially in time-intensive security and compliance workflows. IT security teams leverage tools for vulnerability scanning, threat detection and incident response. Similarly, compliance professionals utilize automated solutions for evidence collection, reporting and regulatory change management.

Automation heralds a new era in how organizations manage IT security, compliance and software development. It frees valuable human resources from mundane tasks, empowering them to focus on strategic initiatives like threat hunting, risk analysis and process improvement. Minimizing human error in repetitive tasks leads to more consistent and reliable security monitoring, compliance reporting and software development results. Automated workflows enable quicker detection and remediation of security threats, faster compliance with evolving regulations and more rapid deployments of new software features. Ultimately, automation equips organizations to navigate increasing complexity with limited staffing, fostering adaptability to grow and face changing security threats.

Compliance by Design: A New Paradigm

Automation facilitates the integration of security and compliance considerations into the very fabric of IT processes. The alignment fosters a compliance by design approach, where adherence to requirements becomes an inherent feature of systems and software development lifecycles. With automated security testing tools, developers can identify and fix vulnerabilities early in the development process while information security takes on a monitoring role. Compliance by design transforms compliance from a point-in-time activity to a sustained state that improves an organization’s security and risk posture. This approach minimizes the risk of security flaws being introduced later in the development cycle. Automation can enforce pre-defined compliance controls throughout IT systems. Configuration management tools can automatically maintain systems in a compliant state, while automated reporting generates real-time insights into compliance posture.

The Internal Audit Analogy

The rise of compliance by design in IT security, compliance and software development mirrors the evolving role of the internal audit profession. Traditionally, internal auditors conducted periodic assessments to identify and report on control deficiencies. However, by working with operational teams during process design, auditors can shift their focus toward a more proactive and continuous approach.

The approach involves working with management early in their process design to implement preventative controls and continuous monitoring practices, reducing the need for reactive audits. Internal auditors, armed with automation tools for data analysis, risk assessment, and continuous monitoring, are poised to provide real-time insights and guidance.

The Future is Automated Compliance

Automation is not a replacement for human expertise; it's a powerful tool that amplifies human capabilities. By embracing automation and fostering a "compliance by design" mentality, organizations can create a more secure, compliant and efficient IT environment. As automation becomes more sophisticated, the human element of analysis, judgment and continuous improvement will remain paramount, ensuring secure, compliant and successful operations – underscoring the irreplaceable value of human expertise in the face of technological advancements.

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