Powerful WordPress Security Tips to Protect Your Site

Author: Larry Alton
Date Published: 9 April 2020

WordPress is, without a doubt, the most popular content management system on the web. But this also means it’s one of the most frequently targeted content management systems around. This means cybersecurity is of the utmost importance for people and businesses with WordPress websites.

Research shows that the average WordPress website isn’t nearly as secure as it should be. According to developer John Darrel, 73.2 percent of the most popular WordPress installations are vulnerable. Likewise, just 39 percent of websites are running the most current version of the software.

Never assume that your WordPress website is secure. You need to take as many precautions as you possibly can. Here are a few pointers to help you protect your site:

1. Choose the Right Host
“Your hosting company is usually the first wall hackers have to break through to get access to your site so investing more upfront and purchasing a more expensive hosting plan will definitely pay off,” developer Brenda Stokes Barron explains.

Barron suggests choosing a hosting company that performs regular malware scans and daily backups. A host that employs DDOS prevention measures is also ideal.

2. Follow Proper Protocol
Any time you make a major change, it’s imperative that you follow recommended WordPress protocol. Don’t try to pave your own way, as this typically means cutting corners and exposing your website to unnecessary risk.


Let’s say, for example, that you’re migrating a blog from Blogger to WordPress. Following the proper steps of exporting content, setting up permalinks, and establishing the right redirects will keep your blog safe and secure throughout the process.


3. Update Regularly
As annoying as it can be to constantly update your website, you have to take WordPress updates seriously.


“With any new release, WordPress gets improved and its security is improved too,” WordPress blogger Adelina Tuca writes. “Lots of bugs and vulnerabilities are fixed every time a new version comes out. Also, if any particularly malicious bug gets discovered, the WordPress core guys will take care of it right away, and force a new safe version promptly. If you don’t update, you will be at risk.”


4. Back Up Regularly
It’s also important to regularly back up your website. With so many easy and cost-effective solutions available, you should be updating once a day. At the very least, you need to do it two or three times per week.

5. Be Smart with Passwords
Contrary to popular belief, most WordPress hacks aren’t overly complex or sophisticated. Hackers often compromise websites by simply logging in with a username and password.

The best and easiest way to strengthen your WordPress site’s security is to use strong passwords. (It’s also wise to ditch the default “Admin” username for something unique.)

6. Limit Login Attempts
When hackers crack passcodes, they typically run dozens or hundreds of different combinations to zero in on the correct string of characters. You can make things more difficult for them by limiting login attempts and changing your password frequently.

7. Enable a WAF
One of the most effective ways to protect a WordPress site against external threats is to use a Web Application Firewall, also known as a WAF.

A WAF adds multiple security elements to your website and helps you fight off different attacks and threats as they evolve and iterate. They come in both hosted and cloud-based options – though most agree that cloud-based WAFs are superior. They work by blocking all bad traffic at their network, sending only legitimate requests on to your website.

Not sure which WAF to use? Good options include SUCURI WAF, Wordfence, Malcare, Cloudflare, and StackPath.

8. Uninstall Unused Plugins
Every plugin you have installed on your WordPress website is another possible point of entry for a hacker. Thus, if you’re not actively using a particular plugin, there’s no point in letting it sit.

If you plan to use the plugin again in the future, you can temporarily deactivate it. And while this is somewhat effective, a better option is to uninstall it altogether. This has the added effect of speeding up your website.

Keep Your Website Safe
Those that neglect website security and refuse to go above and beyond will expose their businesses and customers to high levels of risk. This can result in costly attacks, legal consequences and damage to branding.

The time to keep your website safe is now – before you experience any sort of attack or compromise. By building your WordPress site with the proper foundation, you can ensure optimal success in other areas. Don’t take any shortcuts!