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I’ve got twenty years of IT experience. Because I’ve decided to take several certifications starting with RHCSA (Red Hat entry level), RHCE and VCP5-DCV (VMware entry level), I’ve found that creating a website to store useful informations was a good idea.

You will find here some tutorials and tips about these subjects.


(25 votes, average: 4.80 out of 5)
71 comments on “About
  1. Chris says:

    I just wanted to say thanks for putting all of this information out here. It is the best singular resource I have found of the internet for studying for my RHCE(especially for putting together a study guide). I passed the RHCSA last summer with the help of Michael Jang’s book, and am currently using that book plus this website for the RHCE. I hope to take the exam in June.
    Thanks again,


  2. mike says:

    The tasks of the day are awesome! Can you please post more of similar practice questions?
    It helps to see how much time it takes for me for each lab. I train to make tasks faster and faster, with different names\tweaks, etc’

    If you could make more RHCSA sample questions that would be awesome 🙂

  3. Bodanel says:

    Thks for the great resource. Although i have the RHCE it’s a very nice resource that have been good to have when I’ve taken my exam. Very very good job.

  4. jayc says:

    Hello, I am really enjoying your site, it has helped me tremendously along with my other study material for the RHCSA/ RHCE. I just wanted to thank you for the great website.

  5. lantuin says:

    I’m RHCE from december 2013. I’ve found this website and I think it is very useful. There are many news about new RHEL 7. I’ve to say thank to you 🙂

  6. raj says:

    Great site and and a valuable resource while preparing for the RHCE on RHEL7. Just wanted to point out that the EX200 and EX300 objectives have been updated on the redhat site.

    For example on EX300 SAMBA now includes Kerberos authentication and on EX200 LUKs has been removed . Thanks

  7. boyko says:

    Best site ever for reference and RHEL certification prep !

  8. superuzzo says:

    Thank you for creating this blog! It is the most complete and useful I’ve ever found 🙂
    I would like to certificate on RHCSA7 (and RHCE later on). I’m looking for a good book that will help me to prepare for EX200/EX300 v7 exams like the Michael Jang‘s “RHCSA/RHCE Red Hat Linux Certification Study Guide” (Sixth Edition) was supposed to be for RHEL6.
    Could you please recommend one good book, if any, to study for RHEL7’s ex200/ex300 exams? Thank you!

    • CertDepot says:

      I’m glad to see that my website pleases you.
      Concerning a book recommendation, because of the number of changes between RHEL 6 and RHEL 7, there is still no available book on RHEL 7 that I am aware of.
      At least two are in preparation: one from Sander van Vugt planned for March 2015 and an upgrade of Michael Jang’s book (release date unknown to me at this time).

  9. hunter86_bg says:

    You have done a great job. I know how hard is to keep updated such a vast area of IT information. I will try to support you as much as I can and help you make the website even better.

  10. vvarela says:

    Just what I need! Thank u!!!

  11. obvain75 says:

    Just wanted to say a big thank you, I passed my RHCSA last week in part thanks to your site. Now on to RHCE but I am also possibly thinking about CCNA and VCP5-DCV as well. But I am not sure which one to look at first.

    I work in a large enterprise environment that has just invested in VCE infrastructure so the VCE-CIAE could also be a goal. I have worked as a sysadmin for 4 years (sort of got in through a back door) and not to sure which way to go now.

    I would like to focus on Linux but with the whole DevOps thing it seems a lot is expected of a sysadmin.

    Any thoughts would be helpful.

    • CertDepot says:

      When starting this website, I planned to take the VCP5-DCV certification and I changed my mind!
      Now, I think OpenStack is the way to go, even though CCNA is still a very good foundation on network topics (I’m a non-current CCNP).
      After, it’s your call: choose a subject that you enjoy and you will succeed!

  12. itfountain says:

    Hi CertDepot,

    Great website, I used it a lot for my RHCE preparation so thanks. I’ve done a youtube video on how to setup a RHCE lab on VMware workstation, it would be great if you could give it a mention.


    Thanks very much

  13. rmacnutt says:

    Thanks for a great website. I took both the RH124 and RH134 week-long classes, and bought Sander Van Vugt’s exam prep book, but I also learned a lot from the sample exam and discussion here. Took my RHCSA exam yesterday and scored a 300! That’s right 300 – I was astounded. Will be coming back here in a few months to prep for my RHCE!

  14. David_V says:

    Really like your site! You have lots of really good info and links to great resources. I just wish I would have found you sooner 🙂

  15. ejhayes7 says:

    Thank you for this website 🙂 I would like to donate to the author but do not know how? Suggest you place a paypal donate button on your website somewhere. I passed the RHCE exam back in May and this site was inspirational in my studies. I used many resources including Sander Van Vugt LiveLessons, A. Ghori book, CertDepot, and many other resources. The test was very hard and I scored a 86%.

  16. Jaz says:


    Hope you’re doing well. I was thinking that you should start a new topic regarding OpenStack on your website. And you should create an open discussion forum where everyone studying OpenStack can contribute and help each other with day to day problems in learning this technology and share resources and solutions.
    Thank you =)

    • CertDepot says:

      I should also start a topic about AWS. However, at the moment, I’m very busy and don’t plan a lot of changes for the website.
      But I keep your comment in my memory for a quieter time.
      Thank you.

  17. ravisutrave says:

    First of all I really REALLY liked your site. Simply SUPERB! and AWESOME! Rich in contents. You deserve a special recognition. The contents are so rich – can’t believe how I never saw or heard of it before. I bookmarked it. Additionally, if you would like to start any additional topics like, OpenStack and AWS/MS-Azure/Google-GCE would be great additions. Just adding my 2 cents. And, I would be able to contribute to those topics, to what ever extent I can. Please contact me for this if you need any help. Thanks.

    • CertDepot says:

      Thank you very much.
      I’m currently deploying an application on OpenStack with Ansible. This means I will certainly add new topics in the coming months. This also explains why I can’t write new tutorials right now.
      I will keep your email address. This way, when I start writing on these subjects, I will contact you.

  18. smartbit says:

    I’d like to give feedback on http://www.pmsas.pr.gov.br/wp-content/?id=certdepot-EX200&exam=rhel7-get-started-random-number-generator/
    Instead of “cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/rngd.service /etc/systemd/system” then edit, then “systemctl daemon-reload”, you can do “systemctl edit –all rngd.service” which does all these three steps.

    Thank you for this great site.

    • CertDepot says:

      I tried your suggestion on a fully patched CentOS 7.2 virtual machine.
      The systemctl edit –all rngd.service command creates the /etc/systemd/system/rngd.service.d/override.conf file with the content that you provide.
      And, to get the same behaviour as in the article, you would need to provide the following content:

      ExecStart=/sbin/rngd -f -r /dev/urandom

      I agree it is possible but:
      – this assumes the EDITOR variable is correctly configured to make the systemctl edit command fully working,
      – it doesn’t do exactly what the three other commands were doing,
      – it is slightly more complicated.
      The ExecStart= line is mandatory to clear the already existing ExecStart command.
      Even though I don’t plan to modify the article, I’m very pleased with your comment. Thank you.

  19. zro says:

    HI CertDepot,

    I referenced this site for my RHCSA exam, and passed! Great site!

  20. watchdog says:

    I have just ‘ done’ the 14 questions for the RHCSA on this site. Thx! It made me think as they were slightly different to the self-study course I have just completed from icttrainingen.nl . In the end I stored the answers to the 14 questions in a text document – partly because it was unclear to me how I could enter multiple lines (of my answer) in that single small window. So I have questions:
    1. is there a way I could place that txt file anywhere and have someone provide feedback?
    2. about the ex200 exam: is it the same as per the icttrainingen selfstudy where some questions had a 1-out-of-4 radion button, or tick boxes where 1 or more could be correct, or you have to fill in part of a command.
    Thx again… regards … Ruud

    • CertDepot says:

      I don’t know the icttrainingen.nl self-study course. But, as I didn’t copy any material, you can guess who copied …
      Concerning the ex200 exam, it’s a hands-on exam: it is not a multiple-choice questionnaire.
      Multiple-choice questionnaires are interesting because they allow you to memorize commands and options, but hands-on exams test your real skills.

  21. twostep says:

    Have you set an email notifications already? There was a problem with it, when somebody answer to my comment, I do not remember in which topic it was. 🙂

  22. vijaykumarmaua says:

    Hi Certdepot,

    First of all I would really like to thank you for making such a great website to help us student to prepare for Red Hat certification. The way you put information here is very great. I have intermediate knowledge about Linux and working in Linux domain. I have one question for you, as I want to go for Red Hat Certification. Can I do the self study by using any of the below books and can pass the exam.

    Asghar Ghori’s book
    Sander van Vugt’s book
    Jang/Orsaria’s book
    Andrew Mallett’s book

    Or I have to join authorized Red Hat Certification study provider in my local area and then go for exam. Please suggest how can I go for Red Hat Certification basically (RHCSA, RHCE). I want to clear both in one attempt. Please advice me. I appreciate your valuable feedback on this.

    Thank you very much.
    Vijay Maurya

    • CertDepot says:

      As I wrote it in the book review part of my website (http://www.pmsas.pr.gov.br/wp-content/?id=certdepot-EX200&exam=rhel7-book-review/), I would advise you to read either Ghori‘s book for the RHCSA exam or van Vugt‘s book for the RHCE exam or Jang/Orsaria‘s book for both.
      You don’t need to join an authorized Red Hat Certification study provider, you will only need to work harder to get prepared.
      I don’t recommend that you try to clear both exams at the same time, but you prepare one exam after the other.
      If for the RHCSA exam you can expect to pass it in one attempt after a good preparation, the success rate of the RHCE exam (40%-50%), the amount of knowledge/experience requested and the time constraint involved make any prediction about your success very difficult.

  23. zerick says:

    Hi CertDepot, first I would like to congratulate you for your blog. Is a very nice and probably unique source about RHCSA/RHCE exams. Not only about the technical side, but also about experiences and related stuff that might be helpful.

    Well, here goes my question. Do you know or have you heard about taking RH expertise exams but in another country (not in the one you live)?
    In my local country it is almost not possible to take some exams (for example for OpenStack). Chances are flying to another country and taking exam there, or individual exams.
    But it seems that even in my country Individual exams are not enabled.

    I’m looking for experiences (or tips). For example, I would not like if the exam is postponed, because of the flight booking and expenses related to a possible rebooking.

    Hope you could give an idea or point me in the right direction.

    • CertDepot says:

      Thanks for the kind words.
      About your situation, the only point I can think of would be to choose GTR (Guaranteed To Run) exams.
      These exams aren’t supposed to be cancelled, even though you are the only candidate.

    • Sam says:

      I have gone through this, in Europe, I didn’t have much difficulty with exception the cost, of the exam and transport.

      A note of caution. One of my exams was canceled, this was before I paid and before I booked transport.

      On a side note, I took the exam in Belgium, where they had both UK and French keyboard layout. When you are choosing your exam centre, choose one that is been run with your language settings. While the language settings can be changed in the exam it’s the keyboard layout you need to be concerned with.

  24. Jothi says:

    Hi Cert-Depot,

    I am new to your website. I like to prepare for RHCSA and RHCE. I am just started learning Linux. My company gave me training for 3 days for RHEL 7. But I understood very less. Need your guidance to clear my exams. Kindly recommend which book I can study and other details. Thanks in advance.

  25. olivebay84 says:

    I just wanted to ask how to do you keep up with old and new knowledge, theory, commands etc.. do you keep them in a note taking software / wiki or you use your blog to look up things? The reason I am asking is that I find it very hard to remember commands or theories about Linux etc but it would be nice if you do something differently.

  26. MeyyappanMD says:

    Hi, any official news on red hat 8 release? I am a system administrator in Windows I have 3 year’s experience. But I am interested in getting into Linux profile. Kindly suggest

    • CertDepot says:

      According to a Red Hat official I met three months ago, RHEL 8 should be released by S1 2019. Also as usual, there should be a beta version at least 3 months before.

      • MeyyappanMD says:

        Hi Thank You for the release information, I am a system administrator in Windows I have 3+ year’s experience currently working. But I am interested in getting into Linux Server Platform Environment Profile. How can I complete RHCSA/RHCE certification, I can learn my own or need to take any classroom (lab environment) training & where can find knowledgeable (well informed) online or offline study material’s & Kindly suggest,

        • CertDepot says:

          You can follow a classroom training if you’ve got the money (companies sometimes pay for) or build a lab and learn on your own. Both work for the RHCSA exam.
          For the RHCE exam, you will definitively need a lab and some months of practice.

  27. rocketsami says:

    Thank you for this great site. It is really helpful.
    Am sorry to say I have one question for you given I will be sitting for the exam with 48 hour for RHCE exam.

    From my RHCSA exam I did found out the monitor is around 19” and was uncomfortable for me given I’m used to big screens. To tackle this issue I decided to install tmux to partion my screen.
    The question is does this package cost me anything related to the exam? I think commands I type still get recorded in case they want to see what terminal history. If it does not break NDA please let me know what you think of tmux usage for the exam. Sorry I do not interact much and do not know where to post. Thanks for your quick reply in advance. Stay blessed and Good day. 🙂

  28. rocketsami says:

    I want to thank the Author and Maintainers of this website.

    I am a Linux enthusiast though I work in a mixed environment of different IT solutions.

    On RHEL 7.0, I took the EX300 exam yesterday and passed it. Scored 74.3%.
    RHCE is tough not like other hands-on exam, I think!

    I cannot tell you how much this site is helpful for preparing/studying both RHCSA and RHCE. Both are now cleared. Thanks a lot. Let me know how I can contribute to the site. 🙂 Thanks. Have a good day.

  29. Brightside says:

    Hi there, can you tell me when will EX200 and EX300 Exams retire?

    I’m planning to get RHCSA by next November 2018. I have LPIC-1 Certification. How long for me to get ready for the exam?

    • CertDepot says:

      Assuming RHEL 8 will be released by S1 2019, EX200 and EX300 exams shouldn’t be retired before S1 2020.
      Concerning RHCSA exam preparation, one or two hours per day during one month should be enough.

  30. vijaykumarmaua says:

    Hi Certdepot,

    I would like to inform you that I have passed my RHCSA certification today with decent mark.

    Thanks you very much for your support and guidance over the period of time.

    I was not able to solve the question of ldap client so autofs, as I have signed the NDA will not tell the exact question.

    I got question to configure ldap client, the ldap server name was something like host.net7.example.com and I used your command line method to configure ldap client using nslcd but it did not work.


    I used the this method: authconfig –enableldap –enableldapauth –ldapserver=”host.net7.example.com” –ldapbasedn=”dc=example,dc=com” –update

    But after running the getent passwd username no output was showing.

    Is the below command is correct to configure ldap client.

    authconfig –enableldap –enableldapauth –ldapserver=”host.net7.example.com” –ldapbasedn=”dc=net7,dc=example,dc=com” –update

    In the above command I mention the dc three time –ldapbasedn=”dc=net7,dc=example,dc=com but in exam I used only ldapbasedn=”dc=example,dc=com

    I tried to use the authconfig-gtk method but no output was coming.

    Reset the of the question I solved properly but not able to solve ldap client and autofs.

    Kindly help me on this.

    Again thank you very and God bless you for the kind of work you are doing.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Vijay Maurya

  31. ansuya says:

    This site is dead? Any info about RedHat 9 ?

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