#vBrownBag CCNA R&S Questions & Free Books

Last week was part 1 of the #vBrownBag CCNA Routing & Switching session. For part 2 this week, the we will cover topics that commonly confuse people. To that end, if you have questions of your own or have a suggested topic, we would love to hear them so we can cover the topics you want. As long as they are at least somewhat related to CCNA R&S studies…

Free Books!

I have copies of both the CCNA Routing and Switching 200-120 Official Cert Guide Library and Networking for VMware Administrators to give away. These are courtesy of Cisco Press and VMware Press, so a big thanks goes to them!

Here’s how you can win one:
Send out a tweet with your CCNA R&S question, including the hashtag #vBrownBag and @scottm32768. If your question too long for twitter, you can post it as a comment here, then link to it on twitter. The best questions by the end of the month (June 30 2014 23:59) will win. Myself and others related to the #vBrownBag podcast will make this decision. In the event we cannot reach a decision, we will use the contents of a hermetically sealed envelope kept in a #2 mayonnaise jar on Funk and Wagnall’s back porch. Or maybe just choose winners at random.

I will compile these questions and answer them. If you get them to me before the podcast recording, I will try to answer during the podcast.


5 thoughts on “#vBrownBag CCNA R&S Questions & Free Books

  1. Pingback: #vBrownBag Follow-Up Cisco CCNA R&S Part 2 with Scott McDermott (@scottm32768) and contest!

  2. My tweet to you: vmiss33: Hey @scottm32768 how do different Nexus models interact in a network, how do I create a truly isolated network segment with them? #vBrownBag

    For example, do I hang a pair of 5 or 6ks off of a 7k?

  3. Hi Scott! I think one of the common gotchas that I find newcomers to networking get stuck on is the L2/L3 definitions, and how L3 ACL differs from L2 boundaries. It’s surprising how often they get confused.

    Well, that and anything IPv6 because that’s like a lesson in torture ;)

  4. Knowledge should be free instead of tagging or pricing. If you have something to give away then you must give away freely so that everyone can be benefited instead of those who tweet you.

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